- WHEN: Saturday, September 17, 2016 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM (PDT)
- WHERE: 1930 SW 4th Ave – 1930 Southwest 4th Avenue EB 102, Portland, OR 97201 – View Map
Want to create your own games and stories? Join the fun by making art, animation, code, and music. We’ll learn to use neat tools like Scratch, Pixlr, Beepbox, and more. Let’s play together!
Recommended Ages: Grades 5-11. Younger kids should be accompanied by a parent or near-peer who is interested in working with them. Pixel Arts welcomes and support all youth learning needs.
Pixel Arts Game Education encourages self-directed learning, peer-mentoring and collaboration in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math.
Equipment: Provided but we cannot guarantee 1 computer per child. Feel free to bring a laptop if you have one. All software runs in a browser.
The 2016 Mythos Challenge is accepting submissions. Entries are due by May 15th, so register now! After registering, you can upload your entry to their dropbox.
With the generous donation of $5,000 by PAGE founder Jeffrey Sens, the Mythos Youth Council will again offer “Epic Potential Awards.” The awards include support by local professional game developers and funding for equipment, software, and supplies.
Our thanks to the Youth Council for leading and running the Challenge! Come celebrate youth voice, creativity, and storytelling at the Awards Party, June 23rd, 6pm. Hosted at the Pacific NW College of Art, the all-ages event will a romping fun time!
PAGE has grown quickly to support more underserved and under-supported learning communities in the Pacific NW. We will be expanding volunteer access to include Volunteer Match. Learn about current opportunities and sign up to volunteer.
You can continue to enroll online here at PAGE’s Volunteer Enrollment page.
With our 1st year at Parkrose Middle School completed, our first Pixel Tree House has emerged. 5 youth at the Parkrose have asked to be peer mentors. They are actively supporting youth in exploring new interests, taking on challenges, solving problems, and learning to learn through collaboration and communication.
As youth leaders, they made a Scratch studio and just launched a curated studio, 100 Top Scratch Projects, to educate new makers about game play’s diversity.
The Parkrose Tree House has grown organically from empowering youth voice, inviting youth citizenship, and encouraging leadership. By volunteering to step into leader roles, these local youth are cultivating a sustainable program in STEAM learning. In the future, we hope youth will take ownership of the middle school program as near-peer mentors and as paid learning designers and youth-adult program coordinators.
We are thrilled that Parkrose has become a true learning garden of “Games for Everybody.”
In broader terms, we continue to extend our network of youth making games together. We are exiting the prototype phase of STEAM in Affordable Housing with Home Forward at Fairview Oaks Woods Apartments. We also began our 1st High School program in Hillsboro, OR at Miller Education Center.
In Summer, we are likely to return to Self Enhancement, Inc, and we are hosting 3 “Youth Making Games Together” camps at local libraries with Multnomah County Library.
In the mean time, enjoy some of the Youth Made Games from our 2016 Career Pathways in STEAM program. Scratch games only run on PC web browsers and will not work on mobile phones or tablets.
Youth Making Games studios
Creston: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/2020955/
Penisula: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/2019257/
Beach School: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/2005667/
Faubion: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/1991920/
Vestal: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/1988551/
Sunnyside Elemental: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/1959889/
Join us Friday, 6-8:30pm, to support creative learning! At the 3rd Annual Art Walk, we will have a game lab for families, kids, and teens to Explore STEAM.
We’ll create art for card & board games to take home. Kids can also explore digital art and game making with Scratch.
Chat with Will and Jeffrey, Co-Executive Directors of Pixel Arts, about games, learning, and healthy play. And, any art you buy at the walk supports expanded learning programs. We are discussing launching a program with their Community Learning Center; please join us.
On August 13th, the Mythos Youth Council celebrated entrants of the 2015 Mythos Challenge with awards for their creativity, perseverance, and voice. The event also launched our newest Pixel Arts initiative, the Youth Play Fund, to support Oregonian youth making games.
As the 1st recipient of our Youth Play Fund, we asked the youth council to award up to $5,000 to advance youth aspirations. They dedicated the awards to promoting a wide range of ages, experience, and youth voice. More than technical knowledge, they wanted to highlight the value of celebrating youth diversity and imagination for Oregon.
In addition to themed awards, the Epic Potential Awards provides a $1,000 budget and connects youth to professionals from Oregon’s game industries. Pixel Arts Game Education is proud to partner with the youth council and the Portland Indie Game Squad for the Youth Play Fund.
The next stage of the initiative is to create a state wide, open source platform for consumer choice funding of community based social good. The platform blends “kiva” with “patreon” and “humble bundle”– each month, we showcase a bundle of themed works; consumers choose how much to pay and select what percentages of the money go to youth developers, the non-profits, and the platform. Consumers also can choose to become sustainable funders by offering continuous sponsorships and no fault micro-loans.
As a member of Hive Cascadia, we look to make the Youth Play Fund serve local non-profits invested in positive youth development and committed to Youth-Adult Partnership. With this platform, youth can explore crowdfunding and community micro-economies before seeking larger platforms of entrepreneurship and equity investment.
How To Collaborate:
Join us for the 2016 Mythos Challenge. The Youth Council is enrolling partners now, and applications for the youth council open in September.
Become a partner of the Youth Play Fund. We are accepting applications for non-profit partners who wish fund youth aspirations to become makers, digital citizens, and community organizers.
Award Winners
Many of the winning games can be played online at Scratch.
Thematic Category $250
People’s Choice Category $250
Epic Potential Category $1000
Pixel Arts Game Education’s vision is community uplift with Youth-Adult Partnerships. This places youth at the apex of agents of change. We recognize that adults must be partners to youth–we must listen and learn in order to empower youth capacities to govern, community organize, and lead.
We are proud to be a founding partner of the Mythos Challenge and the Mythos Youth Council.
The Mythos Council is a group of eleven youth from across Multnomah County who are passionate about engaging their generation with both mythology and new media. With help from 8 community partners and 9 community endorsers, they took the lead in organizing a digital storytelling competition with awards and prizes up to $5,000.
Alliance Charter Academy, Pixel Arts Game Education
Special skill:
Dream Job:
If I were in a myth:
Gresham High School, Multnomah County Library
Dream Job:
Snack of choice:
If I were in a myth:
Canby High School, Girl Scouts
In my spare time:
Dream job:
If I were in a myth:
Homeschool, Pixel Arts Game Education
Dream Job:
Games of choice:
If I were in a myth:
Pacific Crest Community School, Multnomah County Library
Favorite music:
Snack of choice:
If I were in a myth:
Central Catholic, Multnomah County Library
Favorite music:
Games of choice:
Sam Barlow High School, Multnomah County Library
Favorite thing about where I live:
Dream job:
Gresham High School, Multnomah County Library (Fairview Library)
Dream job:
Snack of choice:
Lincoln High School, Girl Scouts
Favorite thing about where I live:
Snack of choice:
If I were in a myth:
Lake Oswego High School, ChickTech
Dream job:
Snack of choice:
If I were in a myth:
Irvington High School, Girls, Inc.
Favorite music:
Dream job:
If I were in a myth:
The Mythos Council is a group of ten youth from across Portland who are passionate about engaging their generation with both mythology and new media. With help from 11 community partners, we took the lead in organizing a digital storytelling competition with awards and prizes up to $5,000. On June 25, we invite you to come celebrate the youth who entered and the hard work of all!
Play youth-created games. Hear the sounds of your favorite video games through the stylings of a live saxophone quartet. Unleash your inner powers and document the results in our photobooth.* Eat up food and myths from around the world. Meet the other people who made this happen.
If you would like to attend, please email the Mythos Youth Council at mythoschallenge@gmail.com.
The event will be held in the Fred and Suzanne Fields ballroom on the ground floor of the Portland Art Museum’s Mark Building.
*If you already have what it takes to dress up as your inner superhero or supervillain, great. If you don’t, we’ll have people and supplies on hand to help you make it!
Learn more about the Mythos Challenge: Bringing Together World Traditions and New Technologies at portlandartmuseum.org/mythoschallenge.
Learn more about the Museum Play event and Youth Game Fund at GameEducationPDX.com.
This Spring, the Multnomah County Library is offering STEAM education, all free, with workshops and camps by Pixel Arts. Check our calendar for Twine workshops, a Spring Break Camp, and every Saturday starting April 4th, the Pixel Pad at Rockwood Library’s Innovation Station.
Tell a story or design a game using an open-source tool for telling interactive stories. This is an introductory camp to Twine. Participants will learn a new program they can continue to use and create a product they can share on the web to friends and family
Gregory Heights: https://multcolib.org/events/tell-stories-twine/38235
Sellwood-Moreland: https://multcolib.org/events/twine-teens/38233
Come to The Pixel Pad every Saturday at the Rockwood Innovation Station. Teens should expect to increase their knowledge in art, animation, computer science, programming and design. Create your own characters, build the game from scratch, add sound effects, and share with your friends. Every Saturday is a different theme with a special Pixel Pad Game Jam every fifth Saturday of the month.
More than 4000 Girl Scouts came to GirlFest, a festival with hundreds of activities including skateboarding, robotics, and crafts.
“I loved all of it! It was exciting the whole time, and of the Amazing People of Awesomeness helpers were so enthusiastic & fun!”
“Loved the 1/1 help to understand the process. Loved the people! Fun to make game!!!
“I liked all of it. I loved playing with the sound effect.”
“Making my story. Helpers were very helpful. I would do it again.”
Pixel Arts added games to activities with our maker kit. Our booth was constantly busy with more than 400 girls creating characters, settings, and rules for games from their unique imaginations. Many girls play games–Minecraft was mentioned frequently–but this was their first time creating a game from scratch.
While Jeffrey hosted the booth with Aubrey, Megan and James, Will helmed two workshops with Leanne, Gabriella, and Alex. In the first, Digital Story Making, ten girls jumped into creating their own adventure games with Twine, a visual programming and storyboarding software. After that, ten more girls became game programmers by constructing blocks of code in Scratch, another fun and simple visual programming software.
Girls were extremely positive about their experience of discovery and learning; they rated the workshops a 4.65 out of 5.
Come jam and learn about STEM works in Oregon. Organized by the OR4STEM Foundation, 100% of the funds raised will benefit us, Pixel Arts and cool allies like ChickTech, Abbey Arts, iUrbanTeen, Code Oregon, and the Leadership & Entrepreneurship Public Charter High School.
When: Friday, November 7th, 5-10pm
Where: Lucky Lab, 1945 NW Quimby St, Portland, OR 97209
Tickets: at the door and online
What: Music by The Beauty
Purchase Tickets. Facebook Event Link
STEAM Super Friends is a new initiative by the OR4STEM Foundation
OR4STEM supports policies that will create a robust school-to-career pipeline increase opportunities for all Oregonians to develop 21st century job skills. OR4STEM might be best described as a Part Think Tank, Part Community Organizer and Part Political Influencer. The “Think Tank” will work with experts from around the state and country to develop a Legislative & Policy agenda that is paired with a “Political Organizing” effort to support its swift implementation. OR4STEM has the capability to not only develop and support common sense policy innovations, but also to create the political will to implement them at the state and local level.
OR4STEM believes this can be best accomplished by improving quality & access to effective Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education & training throughout the state. We strongly support a comprehensive plan for lifelong learning, from early childhood education to re-training unemployed workers in skills in high demand by employers.
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