Join Pixel Arts and the Portland Indie Game Squad in a free screening of Ecstasy of Order: The Tetris Masters & playing videogames on a theater screen!
Where: 5th Avenue Cinema, 510 SW Hall Street, Portland, Oregon 97201
When: Saturday, April 19th, 6pm
6:15pm: Play Tetris
7pm: Movie Screening – Ecstasy of Order
9pm: More games – Tetris Attack, Hard Lander, and more!
For more about the film: “Tetris. We’ve all played it, rotating the pieces (“tetrominoes”) and dropping them in the perfect place, or despairing as we discover a piece won’t fit. You may have even joked about “mastering” the game during a stint of unemployment, or as a child, before you could afford any other Game Boy cartridges. But what about the people who’ve truly mastered Tetris? Where are the Kasparovs and Fischers, the great champions who’ve dedicated their minds to solving its deepest puzzles?”